There will likely be a shortage of PVC and HDPE pipe in the market place for an unknown duration.  As a result of Hurricane Harvey eight major resin manufacturers were taken off line. This has compelled resins manufacturers to declare Force Majeure, (an event or effect that cannot be reasonably anticipated or controlled), relieving them of pricing agreements and contracts they currently have with pipe suppliers and other parties. Due to this declaration, pipe suppliers are seeing, a potentially significant increase for PVC and HDPE pipe with further increases possible on the horizon. Once these increases are absorbed, it is unknown if prices will be reduced to pre-hurricane levels.  See article below for more details:

Members of the Concrete Pipe Association of Michigan (CPAM) have not been impacted by the recent hurricanes and continue to have sufficient production capability for all contracts and agreements through the end of the year. Furthermore, each member of CPAM has a large inventory of reinforced concrete pipe and can ship immediately. Please keep this in mind for existing projects, projects in design or heading for construction, as this could have significant impacts on client budgets, construction costs, schedules and material availability.

Concrete Pipe is not susceptible to the petroleum based cost increases and continues to be your product of choice for drainage applications.

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